Becoming & Staying Sane
Our western health care systems have become so individualized that capability, viability, and fundability are threatened.
Western conceptions of becoming & staying sane as families, as communities over more generations, are rare.
Exactly on this, transgenerational, collective, sanity indigenous communities are targeting at.
We could learn from their transgenerational ‘collective’ health systems.
With a paradigm shift into ‘systemic health’ we could reconnect with families/communities resources to become and stay more healthy and sane.
This is happening with global health conceptions suggested by indigenous communities e.g. in Australia and Canada (Kirmayer et. al. Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples; Wendt & Gone Rethinking Cultural Compentence 2012; Angell et. al. Indigenous Health Interventions 2014).
Also in US and UK are promising experiments with Communities That Care and Community Care which come closer to indigenous community health conceptions.
For an Arts & Crafts expression of integrated health see my: Squinted Hawk Lost Powers Returning 1996.
For a more academic conceptualization of Becoming and Staying Whole see: 2001 Bekkum Health as Balancing Mind Body and Soul