Publications Dirck van Bekkum

 Paper and Bookchapters



2018 Bekkum 2018 Van Bekkum Beauty & Grace in Making Artefacts. published in: Crafting in the World: Materiality in the Making, Clare Bukre & Suzanne Spencer-Wood, New York: Springer.



2019 orig Bekkum Being Moved Together During Co-Creating Transitional Spaces, published in: Curare: Journal Medical Anthropology, 42, 3+4: 131-144.



20220213 Bekkum Being Moved and Healed Together Horus (reworked ‘Curare: Journal Medical Anthropology’ paper adding Eye of Horus)
2010 2010 Bekkum Nasjaro Caught in Medical and Normalizing Gazes, in: Festschrift for Ronald May, anthropologistproject manager Diversity at Altrecht MHC Utrecht, The Netherlands. Beads without a necklace. An exploration of the anthropological perspective in psychiiatry, Huub Beijers & Rob v. Dijk (ed.), AMB Diemen 2010. (download in Nederlands HIER)
2006 Do Sex and Violence Make up a Male? Drafting and mercenaries as sexsocialisatie in a nationstate. 2006 Bekkum Maken seks en geweld de man LOVA. Lova, tijdschrift feministische antropologie december 2006b. (in Dutch)
2004 Dutch Identity as foundation for citizenship: an Anthropological Perspective, Civis Mundi, (January 2004 in Dutch) 2004 Bekkum NederlandseIdentiteit als Burgerschap 2014
2002 Wanted!: Transition Rituals for Civil Incorporation of Young Men: Kwalon Tijdschrift voor kwalitatief onderzoek, 7(2), 1318 (2002). (in Dutch and English) 2002 Bekkum Wanted Transition rituals English
2002 Mehmet and his Peers, the Doxic (Holy) Covenant Between Male and National Dominance, in: Lover: Tijdschrift over feminisme, cultuur en wetenschap, vol 9, 2, 2002. (Download HIER in Nederlands HERE in English) 
2001 Transitions and Inner Conflicts in Adolescents: a Clinical Anthropological Addition to Psychotherapeutic Praxis, in: Tijdschrift voor Kinder en Jeugdpsychotherapie, 28, 3, 7992. (Download HIER in Nederlands and HERE in English)
  Health as Balance Between: Body, Mind and Soul, Versie: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheid, politiek en cultuur, nr 2, . (Download HIER in Nederladns en HERE in English)
2000 Civilized Males as Losers, Psychologie Magazine, november/december 2000. (Download HIER in Nederladns en HERE in English)
1999 To Belong and To Be Different: Balancing National and Ethnic Loyalties in Male Adolescents, in : Dominant Culture as a Foreign Culture: Dominant Groups in the Eyes of Minorities, J. Mucha (ed.) East European Mongraphs, Columbia University Press.


1999a.Transitorische Anfälligkeit als Risikofaktor im Suchtverhalten: ein interkultureller Rahmen zur Vorbeugung von Jugendlichen, in: Handbuch interkulturelle Suchthilfe, R. Salman, Soner Tuna, Alfred Lessing, (hg.), Giessen, 1999b. (in German)

Interculturalisation of Youth Departments in Community Mental health Care, in: De daad bij het woord, Trends in de multiculturele jeugdzorg, Arjaan Hijmans van den Bergh & Marijke Haffmans, Forum, Utrecht, 1999c.  (in Dutch)

Balancing Between Loyalties, Tijdschrift voor Leerlingebegeleiding, , 22, 4 ,1999d. (in Dutch)

1998 The Transitional Worlds of Adolescents, towards a Coherent Intercultural Policy Framework,  Handbook door Jeugdbeleid, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, Den Haag, 1998c. (in Dutch)


The Multiple Connection: Towards Intercultural Forms of Masculinities, in: The First Sex, Anja Meulenbelt (red), Van Gennep, Amsterdam, 1998d. (Download HIER in Nederlands/Dutch)

Rite of Passage as Supporting Structures for Young Men in: Justitiële Verkenningen, 6, 1998e. (Download HIER in Nederlands en HERE in Eglish)

Leisure, Play and Work in Urban Settings: Search for Liminal Experiences in Male Adolescents, Leisure, Time and Space: Meanings and Values in people’s lives, Sheila Scraton (ed.), Special Issue Leisure Studies Association, 57 (1998f)

Wederkerig Beleid Achterstandsgroepen: Roma inwoners Nieuwegein (Sociaal Bestek juni 1998g in Dutch)

1995 THE TIMES THEY ARE A’ CHANGING: Adolescents, Health and Ethnicity, Lessons from Antyhropology, International Journal of Adolescent  Medicine and Health, 8, p. 243260, 1995.
1994 Adolescence and Ethnicity: An Interdisciplinary Model in Occupational Therapy and Vocational training. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, p. 25369, 4, 1994.
1993 Human Beings as Contemporary Toolmakers: Ancient Faculties as Foundation for Therapeutic Work and Vocational Training, paper presented at congress: Pithecanthropus: Human Evolution in its Ecological Context, Leiden, Universiteit (1993).
1992 Integrative Socialisation of Youth: an Intercultural Perspective from Cultural Anthropology, in: Interdisciplinariteit in jeugdhulpverlening en adolescentenzorg, P. v. d. Doef (ed), Acco, Amersfoort, 1992. (Download HIER voor Nederlands & HERE for English)
1988 Synthetic Craftsmanship in Ancient Egypt and From The Inuit (Eskimos), An orientation on the importance of traditional technology in vocational education for indigenous adolescents and from migrant families,Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1988 (in Dutch 280 pp.). Download voltekst Nederlands HIER and HERE for English summary.
co-authored publications




Kitlyn Tjin A Djie, Glenn Helberg & Irene Zwaan (2010A) Rituals & Protective Wrapping, in: Handboek Culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie, Joop de Jong & Sjoerd Colijn (red.) de Tijdstroom, Utrecht. (download HIER in Nederlands)


Kitlyn Tjin A Djie, Glenn Helberg & Irene Zwaan (2010A) Rituals & Protective Wrapping, in: Handboek Culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie, Joop de Jong & Sjoerd Colijn (red.) de Tijdstroom, Utrecht. (download HERE in English)

2010 & Douwe van der Heide (2010B) Refugees and Migrants in Forensic Psychiatry, Cultural Formulation, Liminal Vulnerabilities and Cultural Selfreflection. in: Handboek Culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie, Joop de Jong & Sjoerd Colijn (red.) de Tijdstroom, Utrecht. (in Dutch)
2007 & Ben Toppin, Rutger Esajas, Melvin Ferrol, Inga Lingnau, Kwabena Lamur, Dirck van Bekkum, Boys in the Picture: Training a Rite of Passage Program, in: Interculturalisatie in de jeugd GGZ: Wat speelt er?, R. Beunderman e.a., Van Gorcum, Assen, 2007. (in Dutch)
2006 & Fatma Sevinç, Culture in (Counter) Transference, Intercultural Encounters in Clinical Setings, in: CMG, Cultuur, Migratie en Gezondheid, 2(1), 211, 2006. (in Dutch)
2001 &Theresia Bernet, Balancing of Loyalities in Multicultural Teams, in: Werken met verschillen, Arjaan Hijmans van den Bergh (redactie) Forum, Utrecht, 2001. (in Dutch)
2000 &Wim Gorissen,  Networking as Verb, Balancering Betweeen Professional and Personal Identity, in: Handboek Jeugdgezondheidszorg, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, Maarssen, 2000. (download in Dutch HIER)


&Tonny Filedt KokWeimar, Towards Clientcentred Care, Somatic Youth Care as Bridge Between Youth Poloices and Youth Care jeugdzorg, Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, nr. 6, juni/juli, 2000. (download in Dutch HIER)

1998 & Theresia Bernet, Intercultural Managed Care, in: Handboek Interculturele Zorg, De Tijdstroom, Utrecht, 1998. (in Dutch)
1997 & Abbas Leito, Perspective and Principles in Mental Health Care, in: Een blik in de transculturele hulpverlening, 15 jaar ervaring met verlies en verrijking,  Indra Boedjarath en Dirck van Bekkum (red), Jan van Arkel, Utrecht, 1997a. (in Dutch)
1996 & Abbas Leito, Managing a Multicultural Team, in: Handboek Transculturele Psychiatrie en Psychotherapie, Joop de Jong en Margo van den Berg, (red.) 1997 (download in Dutch)
& M. v.d. Ende, S. Heezen, A. Hijmans van den Bergh, Migration as Transition: Liminal Vulnerability in Migrants and Implications for Mental Health Care, in:  Handboek Transculturele Psychiatrie en Psychotherapie, J. de Jong en M. v. d. Berg, (red.) 1996a. (in Dutch download HIER Migratie als Transitie)
1995 & Helene Voeten, Courtship patterns in different cultures, Working document Gender specific AIDS prevention for youth, European Information Centre ‘AIDS and Youth’, NIGZ Woerden, 1995.






Young Men as Systemic Whistleblowers: An Anthropological Gaze into Failing Institutions and Transitional Spaces (forthcoming). Bundle of 20 publications of Van Bekkum between 1992-2018. Download HERE summary and contents. Download HIER Nederlandse samenvatting en inhoudsopgave 2018)


A Tiny Triology: Or How Bastian Bux Beat The great Nothing. (forthcoming three papers on 1) The Workings of First Nations, The Ware Against Families in Second Nations and 3) How Nature Balances Ethnocentric AND Mimetic Reflexes. (download HIER de Nederlandse samenvatting)

Secrets of Vocational Learning, Methods of Crafting Skills in Werkartaal, SWP, Amsterdam, 2006. (in Dutch)

2000 & Theresia Bernet, In Search of the Right Trail, a Community Mental Health Care Department towards Culture Sensitive Care, Good Practice in opdracht van GGZ Nederland, Utrecht, 2000. (in Dutch)
1997 & Indra Boedjarath (eds.), A Gaze into Trancultural Mental Health Care, 15 years of Experience with Losses and Enrichments, v. Arkel, Utrecht, 1997. (in Dutch)






Chronological List ArticlesBookchapters Initiation Rituals  (110 titles)                                                        Research Project 2006-2009 during (terminated (2014) PhD project                                                                    Dirck H.J. van Bekkum, Nijmegen The Netherlands (download biblography HERE)


Revealing cultural factors in Recidivism in Native-, Moroccan-, Antillean-Dutch Young Men, Anthropological Fieldwork Research for Youth Judicial Facility, 2007-2008, Utrecht/Tilburg.

E-Training of Medical Staff to Reach Adolescents in Different Cultures, i.s.m. Hemosoft Turkey and other European partners, 2007-2008, Utrecht/Ankara.

2006-7 Success Factors in Coming of Age Processes: Young Men towards Male Identity and Dutch Citizenship, Ph. D. Research 2006-2009, University of Tilburg.
Presentations, Guest Lectures, Audit Travels and Keynote Speeches
2014 Three Innovations in anthropology from Clinical & Teaching fieldwork, paper presented at EASA congress, Tallinn Estonia (July 2014a)


Mediators between taboos & the sacred: Redressing young men’s transgressions from systemic anthropology, paper presented at Taboo Conference II (TaCo2104) Durham University, United Kingdom (August 2014b)

Revealing two categories of ideal children Incompatibilities in bringing up children in families and in state institutions, paper presented at seminar THE IDEAL CHILD in EHESS in Paris, France (September 2014c).

2008 Intercultural Competence for Mental Health Nurses, guest lecture at Christelijke Hogeschool, Ede (oktober 2007).


Young Male Police Officers Dealing with Migrant Boys/Young Men in the Street, lecture for expertgroup of Dutch Police Commissioners, (May 2008).

2007 Sonnenberger Leitlinien, von Theorie nach Praxis, Vortag Suchtabteilung Fliedner Krankenhaus Duisburg, Deutschland October 2007, (in German).
2006 Productive Assertive Public Argueing in The Netherlands, KeyLecture at congress studiedag Agressie en Samenleving, Studium General Universiteit Tilburg  (February 2006).
2004 Unterwegs zu einem neuen gleichgewicht der MannFrau Welten. Männer sind anders verletzlich als Frauen und damit auch auf andere Weise Drogenabhängig, Vortrag Fachtagung: Mannersache: Männerspezifische Suchthilfe? Dortmund, 2004. (in German)


Violence, Fighting Lust and Health among Men, Old Solutions for Contemporary Violence: Ritualisation, Jaarthema Leergangen Stichting Filosofie OostWest (FOW) ‘Inzicht in Geweld’ 2004  zie  (in Dutch)

2003 Improving Mental Health Accessibility for Migrants presentatie voor congres door Adhesie Deventer: Interculturalisatie en hulpverlening in de GGZ 20 november 2003.
2002 Initiation in der Fremde, Interkulturelle Transitionskonzepte in den Niederlanden, Vortrag für die Jahrestagung 2002 Vereins Jugendstrafrechtspflege in der Schweiz, Fremdländischen Jugendliche in der Schweiz: 2002. (in German)


Old and New Diversity in the Netherlands, methodological innovation from historical perspective, presentation in SISWO conference sociological seminars Amsterdam, 2002 in Dutch).

2000 Shifting Mindsets and Intercultural Competence, Dealing Professionally with Expat Experiences, Presented free of charge for AISEC congress May 11th 2000 Maastricht international student organisation see
1998 Rites de passage or Hazing: lecture for Sstudent Technical University Delft (1998)


To Belong and to Be Different: Balancing National and Ethnic Loyalties in Male Adolescents, Offered to congress: Roots and Rituals: Managing ethnicity, Amsterdam, 1998.

Adolescents in 2010: liminal or liminoid experiences? (in Dutch), presented at congress: Vrije Tijd 2010: Enchantment or Disenchantment? Breda, 1998.

Aggression and violence in sustainable relationships from male perspective (in Dutch), workshop voor Landelijke Werkgroep Geweld in Meervoud, Amsterdam, november 1998.

Leisure, Play and Work in Modern Western Societies: Overcoming Ethnocentrism in Scientific Conceptu­alizing, Report presented at the congress Accelerating Leisure? Leisure, Time and Space in Transitory Society, Wageningen, NL, 1996. Published in Leisure Studies, 1998.

1997 Was kommt nach dem Polarisieren ? Auf dem Wege zum konzeptuelle Lingua Franca interkulturelle Gesundheitspraxis, Internationale Tagung: ‚Multikulturelles Europa’, Hannover Deutschland, nov. 1997. (in German herunterladen HIER)


Sport, Violence and Leisure in Urban Settings: Search for Liminal Experiences in Male Adolescents, Presented at Elias Centenary, Amsterdam, December 1997.

1996 Auditreis naar Moskou voor VWS directoraat Jeugd om haalbaarheid van uitwisseling jeugdprojecten NederlandRusland te onderzoeken, 1996.


In Search of the Holy Grail: Drafting, Adolescence and Today’s Quest for Manhood: Transition from CrossCultural Insights: Paper presented at European Social Science History Conference, Noordwijkerhout,  NL, 1996.

Intercultural Case management of Male Adolescents: A Transitional Approach to Psychiatric Problems. Report presented at the Vth Congress World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Rotterdam, 1996.

1995 Life plan Meaning of Psychosis for Male Adolescents: Reflection on Intercultural Rehabilitations Pro­grams. Report presented at 6th International Congress of Adolescent Health, Vancouver, Canada, 1995.


‘I do have nothing against migrants, but it means extra work’: Dealing with Increasing Diversity in Client Populations, Report for ESSOP congress A Child Health Care Refugees and Migrants, 1995, Rotterdam. (in Dutch)

Power of Imagination in Undomesticated Thinking (lecture transcultural supervision): Siwa Lima Utrecht. (1995)

Guest Lectures ‘Transcultural Work’ aan de Universiteit voor Humanistiek Utrecht. (1995 en 1997)

1994 Differentiation of Labour and Western Education: Historical View upon Cultural Dualisms between Cognitive Learning and SensoryMotoric Experience in Male Adolescents. Report presented at the Internatio­nal Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE XVI) Amsterdam, NL, 1994.


The Times, They Are A’Changin’: Adolescence, Health and Ethnicity, Lessons form Anthropology, Contemporary Youth Problems and CrossCultural Solutions. Presented at the European Forum of Adolescent Health, Utrecht, 1994, published in: International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 4, 1995.

Culture and Mental Disorder in Male Adolescence: Overcoming Ethnocentrism in Psychiatric Diagnosis and Therapy. Presented at the congress, Mental Health, Race and Culture in Europe, 1994, Bristol, U.K.Intercultural Rehabilitation of Male Adolescents: Clinical Errors Seen from an Epistemological and Ethnocentric Standpoint. Presented in Hamburg at the congress, Beyond Babel, Farewell to Babylon, Hamburg, 1994.

1993 Human Beings as Contemporary Toolmakers: Ancient Faculties as Foundation for Therapeutic Work and Vocational Training. In: Proceedings of the congress: Human Evolution in its Ecological Context, Leiden, 1993.


On the Razor’s Edge: National and Ethnic Loyalties in Male Adolescents. Presented at the congress Anthropology and Ethnicity, Amsterdam, 1993.

1991 Adolescence and Ethnicity: an interdisciplinary model in psychiatric occupational therapy, presented at the congress: Mental Health and Multicultural Societies in the Europe of the Nineties, Rotterdam, 1991.
 2017  Organiseren en onderhouden van Sociale Bindingen (Appendix IX Sociale Cohesie lees HIER)
   Organiseren en onderhouden van Familie Bindingen (Appendix VII Bindingen Blauwdruk lees HIER)
   Complementaire Vrouw-Man werelden (Appendix V lees HIER)
   Complementaire Generationele Werelden (Appendix VI lees HIER)
  Gezag, autoriteit, macht, dominantie in familie- en overheidsystemen (Appendix VIII lees HIER)
2017 Researchprojects: exemplary cases and literature research initiation rituals


2014 Unpublished PhD plan Young Men Resisting (download HERE)

a)  list exemplary cases download HERE

b) alphabetic list (130 years of) literature anthropological male initiation literature. download HERE.

c) chronological list (130 years of) literature anthropological male initiation literature. download HERE

2018 Summary Last Chapter Helping Families