About me


Veel menselijke spanningen en conflicten in onze relaties en families, in Nederland en in de wereld kunnen beter begrepen worden vanuit een antropologische blik. Lees meer..


Ritueel werk (sjamanisme) is jezelf en anderen als gehelen-in-context te zien en daarin terugbrengen. Lees meer..

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Dit is een vuistbijl circa 60.000 jaar oud. Zonder ambacht, creatief handwerk, is onze beschaving voorbij. Het mirakel van kunst en handwerk stijgt eindelijk weer in aanzien. Lees meer..


Rituelen zijn prima bruikbaar in westerse, medische, therapeu-tische en alledaagse contexten. Lees meer..

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Welcome to an Anthropo-Gazing way of being-in-the-world.

I am Dirck van Bekkum & Squinted Hawk, part of many and still on my own. For Squinted Hawk watch this: 1987 2015 Squinted Hawk EYE OF HORUS

It is the humble account of my lifelong (1947) quest to stay within my life vision. I walked with her in my early childhood, lost her somewhere in Kindergarten at four and since then quested/longed for her until I was able to walk her for good in my early forties.

This path led me from retracing my mother’s and father’s family heritages to marrying (1969 and 1995) into post-colonial Eurasian migrant families. Professionally it took me from becoming an engineer to finding my dream in enveloping myself into being son / brother / man / father / sportsman / martial-shamanic artist / anthropologist / trickster.

Our Western civilization forces people to live ‘fragmented’ lives while recurrent whole/healing experiences are necessary/possible. For an artistic manifestation of this insight see my soulsearching ‘Squinted Hawk Lost Powers Returning 1996’ to get/stay on track to a holistic life.

In Anthropo-Gazing I bring together the treaures of my life long ‘Great Questing’. I offer what people, plants, trees, birds and fires, waters, winds, skies, stars and the earth blessed me with. After (field)working for three decades in and with mental health services/professionals I am an educator since 2007, as a clinical-systemic anthropologist, in close cooperation with the Collectief Transculturele Therapeuten in Amsterdam; The Netherlands.

At the Marjon Arends Instituut we co-educate, in a one-year course and a two-year course, groups of experienced mental health and youth care professionals to act cultural self-reflective in their clinical practices.

Below some other allies/helpers/relatives in my ongoing quest.