(English) Beyond Ethnography lies Thick Rhyzomatic Thinking
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The content of this site is based on three decades of clinical anthropological (ethnographic) fieldwork in three synchronic processes of knowledge production:
a) ten years clinical psychiatry and youth care among (troubled/troubling) young men/families.
b) educational settings to transfer/test/validate the concepts/insights/models developed from these clinical practices
c) four decades of deep literature research looking for concepts fitted to re-present the processes/patterns of young men, their families, communities and other systems (schools/asylums/juvenile prisons.
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Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.
The idea that first nations (indigenous peoples) can do without second nations (emipries/world-religions/nation-states/banks) and the latter cannot do without first nations is a insight with massive potential for our analytic and political thinking on major contemporay problems. This conception is …
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Eine massive ‚doxale‘ Irrglaube modernen Menschen ist, dass Wörter und Begriffe die Realität sind. Schon Alfred Whitehead, warnte im Jahr 1908, für die ‚Trugschluss der unzutreffenden Konkretheit‘. Eine der meistzitierten Aphorismen Gregory Bateson ist: ‚Die Karte ist nicht das Gebiet‘. Er …
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