Take me back sings Van Morrison (1991) in search for when it felt so right, so good, the eternal now. The Eagles sang in Hotel Calfornia in 1976: I had to find my way the place I was before. …
Practical mythology is not studying some exotic event/phenomenon but a rather useful way to re-order your/our daily realities to changed environments. We humans need rituals to transform these realities.
Practical mythology, from an anthropological gaze, is how human systems (families, groups, communities, networks, nations, corporations, religions) remember major collective/contextual events in order to rework and transform in adapting to major, system-in-contexts, changes.
Animal have to cope with the same predicaments but do not need mythology in the way humans do!
Humanity, as a glorious (evolutionary) accident, developed reconciliation rituals to make the transformations (irreversable changes) necessary to let go of unbearable individual and collective pains (traumas). outdated patterns, codes, habits.
We humans need to return frequently (collectively) to animal paradise.
Take me back sings Van Morrison (1991) in search for when it felt so right, so good, the eternal now. The Eagles sang in Hotel Calfornia in 1976: I had to find my way the place I was before. …
Practioners in systemtheory and system (family) therapy are familiar with thinking in linear and circular (communication) processes. However most of them never learned to make the next step into rhizomic thinking. The conception of rhizomic thinking is coined by Deleuze …
From Linear to Circular to Rhizomic Thinking and back Read more »
‘JE ZIET HET PAS ALS JE HET DOOR HEBT’ (Johan Cruijff; voetballer en artiest) Onlangs (mei 2016) vroeg een therapeute/student in de 1-jarige opleiding transculturele systeem benadering van het Marjon Arends Instituut Amsterdam, om iets meer te vertellen over ‘handelend …
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Ethnography & Thick Description are two major shibboleths in contemporary anthropology. In hundreds of publications we tried to solve riddles of sphinxs which seem to be only fascinating to ourselves as anthropologists. We are not nearly widely read as e.g. …
Beyond Ethnography lies Thick Rhyzomatic Thinking Read more »
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I only recently saw the movie ‘The Master’ by Paul Anderson (2012) and was again struck by both my recognition and distancing of the desolate, mad, desperate predicament of these men, and men in other U.S.A. movies, were entangled in. …
In western philosophy and social sciences there seems to persist a conceptual fallacy for more than a millennium on small-scale (monocultural) societies and urbanized (multicultural) societies. Ancient Greek states were in fact city-states and ancient Greek Athens’ population consisted for …