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Controlled folly is a concept introduced by anthropologist Carlos Castaneda (1971) as a procedure to follow your call to become a scorcerer.
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To stay in touch with our distant animal pasts we, humans, frequently ‘need to eat humble pie‘ and get into ‘transitional (liminal/sacred/ritual) spaces‘ and experience ‘communitas‘. These are our aboriginal ways to keep our collective minds (souls/hearts/bodies) sane and whole. …
Sport, Play and Loteries as As-If Communication Patterns Read more »
My teacher, and mental-spiritual-martial art mentor, dr. Ronald ‘Back Horse’ Chavers taught me, between 1980 and 1990, a lot of stuff. Among the most memorable were: ‘systematically getting lost’ (in order to discover new things) and ‘systematic improvization’ (all human …
Making and laughing about cosmic jokes is a form of ultimate wisom. If we are able te balance the pros and cons on our personal/collective human condition the only thing left is laugh about it while living it to the …